@Brett Depending on what FFL or DFL you are on, you won't even be able to use GPP to create a user because of the lack of password access in newer versions. I tried and it wouldn't work because I had to have a password per the policy but I couldn't add one per the change in GPP. The workaround was a script that I have for new machines that adds a local account via GPO startup script then adds it to the local administrators group. The new PC stays in a temporary OU for a few things to be installed, then moved to the permanent OU where the remaining items are run, including the installation of LAPS, which then changes the newly-created local admin password.
Here is the bat file that is called in the startup:
net user "My Admin" mypassword /add /passwordreq:yes /fullname:"My Admin"
net localgroup Administrators "My Admin" /add